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Institut für Systematische und Evolutionäre Botanik

Publikationen 1999-2018

Ameka G.K., Ghogue J.-P., Rutishauser R. 2010. Podostemaceae research in Africa (including Madagascar) – state of the art and open questions. In X. van der Burgt, J. van der Maesen & J.-M. Onana (eds): Systematics and Conservation of African Plants, pp. 585-595. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Ameka G. K., Pfeifer E., Rutishauser R. 2002. Developmental morphology of Saxicolella amicorum and S. submersa (Podostemaceae: Podostemoideae) from Ghana. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 139: 255-273. [PDF, 3390 kb]
Ameka, K. G., Clerk C. G., Pfeifer E. , Rutishauser R. 2003. Developmental morphology of Ledermanniella bowlingii (Podostemaceae) from Ghana. Plant Systematics and Evolution 237: 165-183. [PDF, 1350 kb]
Bernhard A., Rutishauser R. 2004. Phyllotaxis, ein interaktiver Kurs [e-learning module, in English and German]. Copyright: University of Zurich. [Ask A. Bernhard for a copy of the CD].
Cook C.D.K. & Rutishauser R. 2001. Name changes in Podostemaceae. Taxon 50: 1163-1167.
Cook, C. D. K. & Rutishauser, R. 2007: Podostemaceae. - In: Kubitzki, K. (ed.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Berlin: Springer. Vol. 9: 304-344.
Galeuchet D.J., Holderegger R., Rutishauser R., Schneller J.J. 2002. Isozyme diversity and reproduction of Typha minima populations on the upper River Rhine. Aquatic Botany. 74(1): 19-32.
Ghogue J.-P., Ameka G.K., Grob V., Huber K.A., Pfeifer E. & Rutishauser R. 2009. Enigmatic morphology of Djinga felicis (Podostemaceae - Podostemoideae), a badly known endemic from northwestern Cameroon. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 160: 64-81. [PDF, 600 kb]
Ghogue J.P., Huber K.A. & Rutishauser R.: Djinga cheekii sp. nov. (Podostemaceae) from Cameroon. Nordic Journal of Botany 31: 458-463. [PDF, 490 kb]
Grob V., Moline P, Pfeifer E., Novelo A. R., Rutishauser R. 2006. Developmental morphology of branching flowers in Nymphaea prolifera. Journal of Plant Research 119: 561-570. [PDF, 600 kb]
Grob V., Pfeifer E., Rutishauser R. 2007a: Sympodial construction of Fibonacci-type leaf rosettes in Pinguicula moranensis (Lentibulariaceae). Annals of Botany 100: 857-863. [PDF, 600kb]
Grob V., Pfeifer E., Rutishauser R. 2007b: Morphology, development and regeneration of Thelethylax minutiflora, a Madagascan river-weed (Podostemaceae). Phyton (Horn,Austria) 47:205-229.
Kirchoff B.K., Pfeifer E., Rutishauser R. 2008. Plant structure ontology: How should we label plant structures with doubtful or mixed identities? Zootaxa 1950: 103-122. [PDF]
Kita Y., Koi S., Rutishauser R., Kato M. 2008. A new species of Ledermanniella (Podostemaceae) from Cameroun. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 59: 223-227. [PDF]
Koi S., Kita Y., Hirayama Y., Rutishauser R., Huber K.A., Kato M. 2012. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Podostemaceae: implications for taxonomy of major groups. - Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 169: 46-92. [PDF, 700KB]
Koi S., Rutishauser R., Kato M. 2009. Phylogenetic relationship and morphology of Dalzellia gracilis (Podostemaceae, subfamily Tristichoideae) with proposal of a new genus. International Journal of Plant Sciences 170: 237-246. [PDF]
Moline P, Les D., Philbrick C.T., Novelo A. R., Pfeifer E., Rutishauser R. 2006. Comparative morphology and molecular systematics of Podostemum (including Crenias) – American River-weeds (Podostemaceae). Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik 126: 427-476.
Moline P., Thiv M., Ameka G.K., Ghogue J.-P., Pfeifer E., Rutishauser R. 2007. Comparative morphology and molecular systematics of African Podostemaceae – Podostemoideae, with emphasis on Dicraeanthus and Ledermanniella from Cameroon. International Journal of Plant Science 168(2): 159-180. [PDF, 4MB]
Peintinger M., Rutishauser R. 2012: (erschienen 2013): Eugen Baumann und sein Werk „Die Vegetation des Untersees“. - Mitteilungen der Thurgauischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 66: 15-37. [Sonderband 100 Jahre "Die Vegetation des Untersees (Bodensee)" von Eugen Baumann][PDF]
Pfeifer E., Grob V., Thiv M., Rutishauser R. 2009. Stonesia ghoguei – peculiar morphology of a new Cameroonian species (Podostemaceae – Podostemoideae). Novon 19: 102-116. [PDF]
Pfeifer E., Holderegger R., Matthies D., Rutishauser R. 2002. Investigation on the population biology of a flagship species of dry meadows: Pulsatilla vulgaris Mill. in north-eastern Switzerland. Botanica Helvetica 112(2): 153-171.
Ruhfel B.R., Bittrich V., Claudia P. Bove, Mats H.G. Gustafsson, M.H.G., Philbrick, C.T., Rutishauser, R., Xi, Z. & Davis, C.C. 2011. PHYLOGENY OF THE CLUSIOID CLADE (MALPIGHIALES): EVIDENCE FROM THE PLASTID AND MITOCHONDRIAL GENOMES. American Journal of Botany 98(2): 306–325.
Rutishauser R. 1999. Polymerous leaf whorls in vascular plants: developmental morphology and fuzziness of organ identity. International Journal of Plant Sciences 160 (6 Suppl.): S81-S103. [PDF, 1450 kb]
Rutishauser R. 2004. Ludwig Leiner (1830 - 1901), sein schönstes Herbarblatt und Utricularia australis R. Brown (syn. U. mutata Leiner). Berichte der Botanischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Südwestdeutschland, Beiheft 1: 2-18. [PDF, 600 kb]
Rutishauser, R. 2005a. Der Bauplan abweichend gebauter Blütenpflanzen (Misfits) - Kontinuumsmodell ergänzt klassische Pflanzenmorphologie. In: Harlan, V. (ed.) Wert und Grenzen des Typus in der botanischen Morphologie. Nümbrecht, Martina-Galunder-Verlag, pp. 127-148. [PDF, 4900 kb!]
Rutishauser, R. 2005b. The renaissance of plant morphology as a dynamic scientific discipline. Taxon 54: 576-578.
Rutishauser R. 2009. Vom Milch trinkenden Sonnentau (Drosera) zum schlafenden Wassersalat (Pistia): Charles Darwin als Botaniker. Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich 154:75-81. [PDF]
Rutishauser R. 2013. Oswald Heers Wirken als Direktor des Botanischen Gartens „zur Katz“ in Zürich 1834 – 1882. pp. 357 - 374 in Burga C.A. (ed.). Oswald Heer (1809-1883): Paläobotaniker, Entomologe, Gründerpersönlichkeit. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zürich. [PDF]
Rutishauser R. 2016. Evolution of unusual morphologies in Lentibulariaceae (bladderworts and allies) and Podostemaceae (river-weeds): a pictorial report at the interface of developmental biology and morphological diversification. Annals of Botany 117(5): 811–832. doi:10.1093/aob/mcv172. [PDF]
Rutishauser R. 2018. Von Goethes dynamischer Pflanzenmorphologie zur evolutionären Entwicklungsbiologie („EVO-DEVO“): Holismus und Reduktionismus ergänzen sich. Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 108: 80-100. [PDF]
Rutishauser R. 2019. Ever since Darwin: Why plants are important for evo-devo research. pp.41-55. In G. Fusco (ed.) Perspectives on Evolutionary and Developmental Biology. Padova University Press. [PDF]
Rutishauser, R., Grob, V. & Pfeifer, E. 2008: Plants are used to having identity crises. Pages 194 – 213 in A. Minelli & G. Fusco (eds.) Key Themes in Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. [PDF, 3MB]
Rutishauser R., Grubert M. 1999. The architecture of Mourera fluviatilis (Podostemaceae). Developmental morphology of inflorescences, flowers and seedlings. American Journal of Botany 86(7): 907-922. [PDF, 640 kb]
Rutishauser R., Grubert M. 2000. Developmental morphology of Apinagia multibranchiata (Podostemaceae) from Venezuela. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 132: 299-323.
Rutishauser R., Huber K.A., Pfeifer E., Ghogue J.-P. & Ameka G.K. 2010. Morphological peculiarities of Podostemaceae-Podostemoideae (river-weeds) in Africa. In X. van der Burgt, J. van der Maesen & J.-M. Onana (eds): Systematics and Conservation of African Plants, pp. 605-614. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Rutishauser R, Isler B. 2001. Fuzzy Arberian Morphology: Utricularia, developmental mosaics, partial shoot hypothesis of the leaf and other FAMous ideas of Agnes Arber (1879-1960) on vascular plant bauplans. Annals of Botany 88: 1173-1202. [PDF, 680 kb]
Rutishauser R. & Moline P. 2005. Evo-devo and the search for homology (sameness) in biological systems. Theory in Biosciences 124: 213-241. [Special issue from the 46th "Phylogenetisches Symposium", Jena, Germany, November 20-21, 2004. Theme of the symposium: "Evolutionary developmental biology - new challenges to the homology concept?] [PDF, 875 kb]
Rutishauser R., Novelo R.A., Philbrick C.T. 1999. Developmental morphology of New World Podostemaceae: Marathrum and Vanroyenella. International Journal of Plant Sciences 160(1): 29-45.
Rutishauser R., Peisl P. 2001. Phyllotaxy. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Mac Millan Publ., 6 p. and glossary (electronic encyclopedia, see [PDF, 1650 kb]
Rutishauser R., Pfeifer E. 2002. Comparative morphology of Cladopus (including Torrenticola, Podostemaceae) from East Asia to north-eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 50: 725-739.
Rutishauser R., Pfeifer E. & Bernhard A. 2004: Podostemaceae of Africa and Madagascar: Keys to genera and species, including genera descriptions, illustrations to all species known, synonyms, and literature list. Version 15-09-04. Online publication:
Rutishauser R., Pfeifer E., Moline P., Philbrick C.T. 2003. Developmental morphology of roots and shoots of Podostemum ceratophyllum (Podostemaceae - Podostemoideae). Rhodora 105: 337-353.
Rutishauser R., Pfeifer E., Novelo R.A., Philbrick C.T. 2005. Diamantina lombardii - an odd Brazilian member of the Podostemaceae. Flora 200:245-255. [PDF, 1340 kb]
Rutishauser, R; Pfeifer, E; Reid, J E; Maslin, B R (2010). Pod characters of the Mulga group (Acacia aneura and close relatives), an important arid zone species-complex from Australia. Phyton (Annales Rei Botanicae) 50(1):69-89.
Rutishauser R., Wanntorp L., Pfeifer E. 2004: Gunnera herteri - developmental morphology of a dwarf from Uruguay (Gunneraceae). Plant Systematics & Evolution 248: 219-241. [PDF, 1760 kb]
Stauffer F.W., Rutishauser R., Endress P.K. 2002. Morphology and development of the female flowers in Geonoma interrupta (Arecaceae). American Journal of Botany 89(2): 220-229.
Thiv M., Ghogue J.-P.. Grob V., Huber K., Pfeifer E., Rutishauser R. 2009. How to get off the mismatch at the generic rank in African Podostemaceae? Plant Systematics and Evolution 283:57-77. [PDF]
Wanntorp L., Wanntorp H.-E., Rutishauser R. 2003. On the homology of the scales in Gunnera (Gunneraceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 142: 301-308. [PDF, 530 kb]
Weckerle C. S., Rutishauser R. 2003. Comparative morphology and systematic position of Averrhoidium within Sapindaceae. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 164(5):775-792.
Weckerle Caroline S., Rutishauser R. 2005: Gynoecium, fruit and seed structure of Paullinieae (Sapindaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 147: 159-189.